
Durban is a unique place..

It has a very large and busy port on the Indian Ocean, the eastern coast of southern Africa.. It has a subtropical climate which encourages an abundance of exotic nature including wild and diverse animals, birds and flora. It is also the crossroads of many languages and cultures, tribes and nomads.! All that said, it was an interesting place to come from!

I was introduced to paint and clay early by my mothers friend, an art teacher. She was a successful sculptor.. and commissioned to make large clay relief works for architectural installations.. a successful woman artist. was extremely rare at the time, Especially in that part of the world. I was sold! 

I studied fashion design in Johannesburg and it reinforced my love for textiles, color style. and fashion. I was very aware of the African crafts being produced all around me.. women sat in groups on the ground taking shade from ancient trees while laughing and singing. out loud. amazing! together. they beaded their intricate patterns incessantly. with no references to design in sight. each person had their her own concept in mind. they spoke many different dialects and beaded using the identyfiable colors and style preferences that distinguish their tribal heritage.. I fell in love immediaely with these women. of all ages.. They influenced me with their power. their joined energy and creativity working hard to put food on the table while sharing their stories and their meager belongings to get something going in their lives. I have immence gratitiude and respect for the women of Africa..

The Africa I remember is ………. the red earth,. gorgeous light and sounds.. The wild crashing waves of the warm Indian Ocean. that I lived alongside.,. Street musicians playing hand made funky instruments, the Southern Cross in the sky at night, drumbeats and strong voices talking loudly to one another in a language I would never get to learn.., Zulu!

I left South Africa and moved to London at 21, then to Toronto. where I met my future husband, my brother was now living in the US and had attended the San Francisco Art Institute.. The stories were so overwhelmingly outrageous it appealled to my creative young spirit.. It was at that time that San Francisco became famous for. Peace and LOve! I wanted to experience it all, and I did.. We left canada in a vintage racing car in the dead of Winter and Headed South down route 66 to San Francisco. I attended the Art Institute, majoring in Ceramic Scupture.. After settling in Marin County, I opened a studio in San Rafael.. Ostrich eggs were my first foray,, I named my studio Expecting to Fly. The display teams of u.pscale department stores, interior designers and retailers were my clients.. My interest focused eventually on producing freeform ceramic dinnerware and ,serving pieces along and decorative accessories for the home.. After roughly 30+ years of working with clay, I chose to change my medium and started painting in acrylics due to my sensitivity to clay dust and the many toxic fumes. associated..

My creative side is still very influenced by my South African roots.. I reside in San Francisco with my husband and family..

I am a member of the women Artists of SAn Francisco and the women artists of the BAY area..

the art collector Thom Weisel has my painting ‘When the Moon turns Blue’ in his collection..

thank You for your interest in my work.

Website by Kianaluisa.co